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Daniel Savage posted on the team blog that the performancePoint team released  a sample solution that shows how to build cubes from the Operations Manager DW and then build balanced IT scorecards using Office PerformancePoint server from these cubes.


I had to look for 30 minutes on the net before I finally found what I needed!  Because I know you’re all lazy people I just put the links below. 🙂


Scorecards and Dashboards for your IT Department A solution accelerator to help you create a complete performance management solution for monitoring the health of your IT infrastructure. Go beyond canned operational reports with interactive performance dashboards, comprehensive scorecards, and powerful analytics all built on Microsoft platform components including Microsoft® SQL Server®, Systems Center, Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2007, and Microsoft Office PerformancePoint® Server 2007.


The following diagram illustrates the major components of the framework, and the flow of data from source data to the finished dashboards. Data processes are numbered one through six in the diagram, with detailed descriptions to follow.



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