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I had to configure remotely some users and Roles in App controller with Powershell.  You can find a lot of all App Controller CMDLets here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj899760(v=sc.20).aspx.

Below you can find the Powershell Script used to connect remotely to the app controller server and add users to the appropriate User Roles:


# NAME: Configure App Controller
# AUTHOR: Alexandre Verkinderen
# DATE  : 10/29/2013
# Requirements:

$APPC = “SCVMM01.contoso.com”

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $APPC -ScriptBlock {

#import App Controller module
Import-Module -Name AppController

$APPC = “https://scvmm01.contoso.com”
$User1 = “contosodeveloper”
$User2 = “contosoendsuer”
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString “Passw0rd!” -AsPlainText -Force
$username = “contosoadministrator”
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$Password)

#Connect to App Controller
Get-SCACServer -ServerName $APPC -Credential $Credentials

#Retrieve Userroles
$UserRole = Get-SCACUserRole –Managed | where { $_.Name –eq “Administrators” }

#Add users to Administrator User Role

Set-SCACUserRole -UserRole $UserRole -AddMembers $User1,$User2
Write-Host $User1 “ and “ $User2 “ added to App Controller” -foregroundcolor green



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