1 minute read

For a recent project I had to specify the longitude and latitude for all my  servers (about a 1000)  to be able to show them on a map.

In OpsMgr 2012 you can now use the the following new PowerShell CMDlets:

  1. The New-SCOMLocation cmdlet creates a location. You can associate agent-managed computers, management servers, or resource pools with a location by using the Set-SCOMLocation cmdlet. The Web Application Availability Monitoring Summary Map Dashboard displays the items that you associate with a location.
  2. The Set-SCOMLocation cmdlet associates one or more agent-managed computers, management servers, or resource pools with a location. This cmdlet removes a current association, if one exists. The Web Application Availability Monitoring Summary Map Dashboard displays state information for agents, management servers, and resource pools associated with a location.

So In part 1 of this blog series I’m going to create a PowerShell script to bulk import my  locations and then in part 2 a second script to bulk associate servers to a certain location. Lastly I’m going to utilize all those locations and GPS coordinates in a map.

The following PowerShell script will add the Longitude and Latitude coordinates of about 790 cities from a CSV file. You can download the CSV file from here.



// *\** Script Header ***


// Solution:

// File:      Addlocations.ps1

// Author:    Alexandre Verkinderen

// Purpose:   Add locations from excell



// *\** End Header ***



#//  Global constant and variable declarations

$list = Import-Csv -Path “C:tempLocations.csv”


Import-Module OperationsManager
#Connect to OpsMgr Management GroupStart-OperationsManagerClientShell -ManagementServerName: $MS -PersistConnection: $true -Interactive: $true

#//  Main routines

foreach ($entry in $list)

$name = $entry.Name
$Long = $entry.Long
$Lat = $entry.Lat
#Set location
New-SCOMLocation –DisplayName $Name –Latitude $Lat –Longitude $Long

write-host Location $name added


Stay tuned for part 2.

Alexandre Verkinderen

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