Upgrading Opsmgr 2007 R2 RC consoles to Opsmgr 2007 R2 RTM
When you want to start upgrading your consoles from the opmsgr 2007 R2 RC version to the Opsmgr 2007 R2 RTM version be carefull with:
- third party extensions like the Savision live maps for example. You will first need to uninstall the extensions and reinstall them afterwarts. You can download the extensions from http://savision.com/download
- Also check that no opmsgr 2007 agents are installed on the same box. You will need to uninstall the agents prior to be able to upgrade the console
Next, There is no upgrade path from the opsmgr authoring console 2007 RC to the R2 version:
Oringal authoring console verions:
Did an uninstall of the old one and install of the new authoring console:
Why provide an upgrade path for the Operations console but not for the authoring console???
Alexandre Verkinderen
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