Install OpsMgr Agent remotely with Powershell
As you are aware by now I’m creating a series of Powershell automation activities to automate some System Center installation tasks. Below you can find a Powershell script that will connect to the Opsmgr server remotely (so you dont need the OpsMgr powershell snappin installed locally) deploy the scom agent and enable agent proxiyng on them.
NAME: Opsmgr 2012 Agent Install
AUTHOR: Alexandre Verkinderen
DATE : 10/23/2013
Requirements: FIrewall needs to be disabled
COMMENT: This script is designed to install OpsMgr 2012 agents.
The following serfvers need agents instaled using default options: Install-SCOMAgent DC01, SCVMM01
$MS = “”
#Connect remotely to the SCOM server
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $MS -ScriptBlock {
$MS = “”
$AgentList = @(“”)
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString “Passw0rd!” -AsPlainText -Force
$username = “contosoadministrator”
$InstallAccount = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$Password)
#Import PowerShell Modules
import-module OperationsManager
#Connect to OpsMgr Management Group
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $MS
#OpsMgr Agent Installation
Foreach($Agent in $AgentList)
Install-SCOMAgent -Name $Agent -PrimaryManagementServer (Get-SCOMManagementserver -Name $MS) -ActionAccount $InstallAccount
write-host $Agent “Installed”
#Sleep so the agent install can finish before enabling agent proxying
Start-Sleep -s 60
#enabling agent proxying for vmm and AD management pack
#Enable Agent Proxying
Get-ScomAgent | where{$_.ProxyingEnabled.Value -eq $False} | Enable-SCOMAgentProxy
Alexandre Verkinderen
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